by Debbie Cloud
Early Childhood Trauma
The focus is on the Opioid Addiction that is front and center on the news.
Child Sex Trafficking is on the rise across our country and around the world. Currently Trafficking Rings are being broken up every day. Gangs 101 says find two other people and start pimping girls. No one has realized yet that the children in your home have a window to the world where highly sophisticated gang members, criminals and other dangerous people come into your house through social media, befriends them giving the child what they want and need, and using coercive controls to steal your children under your nose using highly skilled efforts of fear, shame and threats against your child, siblings and parents.
Child Sex Trafficking is up every year 500% and will surpass the Opioid Health Crisis by 2020.
Suicide is now up 45% and a major concern across our country.

FAMILY ALLIANCE is dedicated to address the trauma found in childhood (shown in the ACE Study) through Trauma Informed Interventions for Trauma Bonding & Moral Injury. The goal is empowered children and families within empowered communities.
Everyone agrees the answer is early intervention and prevention of Child Sex Trafficking, Opioids, Domestic Violence, School Shootings and Suicide.
The PROBLEM is how to get to the ones being victimized early enough to prevent the patterns of targeting and abuse.

Just Ask (child sex trafficking) has determined that any trafficked child has five points of contact prior to being identified as trafficked. Once they are trafficked they have 7 year survival rate before the danger of trafficking takes their life. These children are not foreign. They are American children sitting in your house on a laptop or smart phone. They are promised the world, of all the things you can not give them.
Once enticed out of their comfort zone, they are forced into the sex trade, drug addiction and other criminal activity. They are used and abused until they have no use or are found dead. By 2020, child sex trafficking will surpass Opioid addiction and death. Trafficking was identified in 2017 to be in every Northern Virginia school studied from five years old and up, It is in your neighborhood, and maybe your house. The children trapped with these problems end up being dependent on the system for many of their needs for all their life.
The Real Question is HOW TO STOP Child Sex Trafficking?

The standard professions and agencies in place have some powerful models they are developing, yet the child has five points of contact before they are identified. The research shows that to intervene with this population that has been kidnapped and forced to align with their abuser needs a different approach.
The government has had to remove more and more rights from parents trying to protect children. Invading homes and taking children is only making the problem worse over the last decade.
There are BETTER ANSWERS. Yes, we need early intervention.
How do we do that without Big Brother bypassing your constitutional rights and taking your children for protection before the Gangs do?
The known answer is early intervention and prevention when families are seeking help, prior to crisis of drugs or trafficking. What is the common roots that sets up the victimization.
The steps are targeting, grooming and ultimately using power and control through psychological abuse, physical abuse, drug abuse and sexual abuse.
They trick victims. Then keep victims by fear, force, threat, shame and abuse.

Families that face Coercive Control of Psychological Abuse end up being targeted by gangs, criminals and other dangerous individuals to include terrorists. The face addiction, child sex trafficking and other criminal activity. They are now trapped in a very dangerous world, with no way out. No one has the tools to help them until its too late to prevent the damage.
The ones using coercive control are experts in how to prevent the children they are victimizing from reaching out. Professionals have to be trained to spot who is under the influence of coercive controls. Red Flags exist.
The core is early violent abuse to include sexual abuse against children starting in the earliest years of life.
Do you know the Red Flags of Coercive Control? And even more importantly do you know HOW to intervene safely? One wrong move can cost the child their life.

After years of research in the cultural concerns around family and crisis, prevention and the earliest of intervention is the best option to keep families from falling into extreme situations that ends up with serious interventions and long term dependency on government services, family devastation or death. This complicated, multilayered, giant concern can be addressed with an added layer bridging the family communities with the right services.
After speaking with thousands of survivors of abuse and crisis, and a full spectrum of professionals in almost every possible field of expertise, all agree that dealing directly with the under currents of what dis-empowers families, one or all members. The goal would be to empower the family as a whole and each member within the community in order to prevent or at least intervene at the earliest point to to avoid extreme crisis and radical interventions. This means healthy connections and healthy relationships.

COERCIVE CONTROL and other abuses are the CORE ISSUES found within the Child Sex Trafficking, and other serious crimes against children. These are the early signals of disempowerment that gangs, criminals and terrorists are trained to target children and break their ties to their communities.
When an individual is not strong within themselves, they have a need that is sought to fill or resolve. This is where predators and malicious personalities can hook people that are unaware of their own weaknesses. Things start out fine and then slowly over time it changes into something else.
A person that was powerful over in their own wears down over time right becomes trapped, confused and dis-empowered.

The truth is families are searching for help in almost every case. The current system lets them slip through the cracks. The first responders and professionals need to be Trauma Informed to see the subtle red flags of early intervention. By the time the children are in crisis, they have one foot in the grave. Early intervention is not found in the hospitals, addiction centers, or jails. Breaking the cycle of runaways, addiction, incarceration, criminal activities, trafficking and death has to be the answer.
This is done through education, awareness, early identification of first responders and professionals Trauma Informed and other evidence based programs that focus on long term transition for the child victims, families, and communities recover from the coercive controls and the many associated abuses, one day at a time.
Domestic Violence Coercive Controls are known to be assaults on families putting youth at risk.
The addition and deaths of Opioids are front and center right now as a national crisis. Not known by the public Human Trafficking numbers in the last years have risen so fast it will surpass Opioids within two years. Sexual Predators are being exposed right and left. The point in how do we not only deal with the crisis, but get ahead.
Realizing that the chains of are Coercive Control and stems out of Domestic Violence and other Trauma show to be deeply embedded in the current concerns, along with long standing culture denial and acceptance of predatory behaviors leaving populations vulnerable.
OPIOID ADDICTION (National Health Crisis)
President Donald Trump Speech – Opioid Health Crisis (10-26-17)
White House Press Release (10-26-2017)
HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Crisis to Surpass Opioids Crisis by 2020)
National Human Trafficking Hot Line 888-373-7888
REPORT Crime – CALL 911 or Local NVA 703-246-4006
Just Ask Prevention (Child Trafficking)
SEX ASSAULTS & RAPE (Silence of Victims)

National Sexual Assault Hotline or CALL 800-656-4673
“A sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically “predatory” or abusive manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to “hunt” for his or her sex partners.” (google)

National Sexual Offender Public Website, Department of Justice
COERCIVE CONTROL (Bullying, Targeting & Psychological Trauma Bonding)
MOSTLY CLASSIFIED – Technology used for warfare since WWII to include nonlethal, deniability tactics and weapons to control enemy combatants. Thus, not organic in mainstream research until the threshold of unintended consequences has come into the public sector. NOW the gangs, criminals and others like terrorists use these same tactics, and the public has a huge disadvantage.

Domestic violence comprises a range of behaviors beyond physical and emotional abuse. Abusers often use violence, intimidation, degradation and isolation to deprive victims of their rights to physical security, dignity and respect. Evan Stark has been encouraging the use of “coercive control” to describe a course of oppressive behavior grounded in gender-based privilege. While all forms of abuse are about power and control, coercive control is a strategic form of ongoing oppression and terrorism that invades all arenas of women’s activity [not gender based] by limiting access to money and other basic resources. In addition, few elements of coercive control are currently considered criminal, or are only crimes when committed against strangers, which further complicates this issue within the context of domestic violence. (NY Gov)
Abusive Power and Control (Wikipedia)
What is Coercive Control? It is a pattern of behaviour which seeks to take away the victim’s liberty or freedom, to strip away their sense of self. It is not just women’s bodily integrity which is violated but also their human rights. (Cedar Network)
HATE CRIMES (Dividing Communities)
“Hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s Civil Rights program, not only because of the devastating impact they have on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance can plant the seed of terrorism here in our country. The Bureau investigates hundreds of these cases every year and works to detect and deter further incidents through law enforcement training, public outreach, and partnerships with a myriad of community groups.”
Hate Crimes Have Increased in the Last Year (Washington Post 11-13-2017)
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (The Silent War on Families)
National Domestic Abuse Hotline or CALL 800-799-7233

“Domestic violence (also called intimate partner violence (IPV), domestic abuse or relationship abuse) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender can be a victim – or perpetrator – of domestic violence. It can happen to people who are married, living together or who are dating. It affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.”
Normal verses Abusive Behaviors
Who Will Help Me? (Legal Survey)
MISDIAGNOSIS (Masked Complications of Chemical & Behavioral Controls)
Why and How Childhood PTSD Is Often Misdiagnosed
Misdiagnosis & Delayed Diagnosis
Missing the Diagnosis (Continuing Education)
Autoimmune Diseases Masquerading as Psychiatric Disorders – A Paradigm Shift
Dangers of Mental Health Misdiagnosis
Mental Health Misdiagnosis can be Dangerous
The common thread to each of these is the Coercive Control and are assaults on families putting youth at risk. The ODs and deaths of Opioids are front and center right now as a national crisis.
Not known by the public as of yet, though professionals know Human Trafficking numbers in the last years have risen so fast it will surpass Opioids within two years.
The point in how do we not only deal with the crisis, but get ahead of the epidemic. The question posed at Global Family Alliance is defining the early intervention that will change the wave of destruction.