STRONG COMMUNITY understands the need to work together building strong relations, and provide useful support and resources to those in the community.
STRONG COMMUNITY understands the need for early detection & intervention for current rising cultural trends. Teaching personal empowerment changes lives. Strong, well-informed, healthy communities provide a safety net that prevents the escalation into crisis and life-long social concerns.
We, Chris & Debbie have lived all over. During our worldly travels, we have been active in building community and supporting families around the globe. Back at home in our beloved Virginia in Northern Fauquier County, our efforts continue.
THE FOCUS is community building through empowered collaboration and mindful readiness, one relationship at a time.
Government has its place, to provide services and support to the people. Yet, the government cannot and should not be the answer to the social concerns facing our communities, businesses and families.
STRONG COMMUNITY knows that supporting healthy relationships is the answer. This is achieved through meeting together, hearing the challenges each of us faces in life, and supporting each other in empowered solutions. That is working together!
STRONG COMMUNITY works well when the professionals and support services have the research-based best practices that are specific to the individual. That requires a streamline from concerns, to research, to clinical applications, and down to public awareness.
The Best Intervention is Prevention
The First Step is being available to people, families and communities facing concerns.
The Next Step is identifying the core causation driving the concerns.
The Final Step is the Strategic Plan using the available resources and referrals to address the specific issues. This includes ongoing support until the concern has passed, and positive outcomes are sustainable.
Thus, ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT in awareness, prevention and long term solutions is the best path forward.

The Solution is Collaboration
Collaboration reduces the destruction undermining our country and in our communities that is dividing us into fear, hate, and anger. This is dividing the community, one neighbor to another neighbor. This in turn is reflected in our homes and in our lives.
Collaboration increases supportive action for all involved through the concerns being faced.
Collaboration opens dialogues, raises awareness, shares the most current knowledge, teaches skills and maintains focus on empowered solutions.
That is The CLOUD Difference!
*Clients are by referral. Resumes & References available upon request. Specific referral dependent on personal situation.