I paused from painting the trim on a client’s baseboard, to answer an incoming phone call from a buyer-client, when I noticed two texts had come in from another buyer, and an investor. This is the Season, and it’s going to be a BUSY Spring and Summer!! A bit of backstory—
A selling client wanted to replace their floors and do some other updates and major spring cleaning before we listed their house online. The floor salesman strongly suggested they abandon the old, dark stain wood trim in favor of clean, crisp white painted trim. This would give the house an updated look and would match far more flooring options.

The client is already juggling chainsaws, what with kids, full-time jobs, and a shrinking home improvement war chest. Debbie and I decided to pitch in and get some skin in the game. So, we painted. And advised. And juggled our Own chainsaws while doing so. Hence the incoming phone call, and other texts that demanded attention.

The calling Buyer was asking about arranging a land survey and a home inspection on the property they were looking at. The text from the other Buyer was requesting the contact information for our Banker, and times for the VHDA classes. The text from the investor was about projected interest rates, and where best to obtain demographic reports for doctors and lawyers in Warrenton.
If you are hoping to Buy Real Estate this year, Now is the time to get BUSY. Now is when Buyers ought to be speaking with the Mortgage Banker either of their choice, or of our recommendation. The Mortgage Banker can tell you your Credit Score and give you an idea of what you qualify for Now, and what simple plan of action to take to easily and quickly qualify for a Larger mortgage. Your banker can provide you with a Certificate of Funds Letter. Now is also a great time to take the VHDA Classes, available most every weekend, and even online. Few things are as frustrating and disheartening than a doe-eyed buyer falling in love with their dream home, only to find out they don’t Qualify for it!
February is when Sellers begin prepping their homes for market. Begin all the “Honey-Do” tasks and home improvements You feel comfortable tackling. Paint walls, trim, clear out clutter and garbage, and scrub-a-dub-dub All surfaces. Contractors are Very rapidly being booked up for the early spring season. Now is the time to interview contractors and put down deposits for flooring, kitchen and bath upgrades, major painting, or landscaping projects that will make your home more appealing to buyers. Remember, first impressions are crucial!

Investors, while Commercial Real Estate is more year-round than Residential, Summer is when Many businesses and professionals chose to shift locations, grow into new space, or launch their Dream Businesses. Winter and Spring are great times to be on the prowl for attractive commercial spaces. Study traffic flow reports from VDOT, Demographic reports from Economic Development, and meet with the Enterprise Centers and Incubators for prospective business entrepreneurs.
What made this even more humerus was, to answer the phone I had to turn down the radio. WTOP was mid-interview of a major area Realtor that was espousing the Exact same sentiments–how to ready for the Coming Real Estate Season! If Debbie and I can be of any assistance, from advising to listing to Closing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Even if it is to direct you to another agent more suited to your needs, out goal is to help you realize your Real Estate Goals!