Success in Real Estate comes when we can meet our client’s needs. Clients come in all types and styles and, more importantly, with myriad baggage. Some clients are celebrating attaining their own goals at long last, career advancements, or triumphs of wise investments. But just as often, they come to BE clients in the first place due to strife, divorce, escaping bad relationships, hard times, or even as a consequence of death.
I’ve worked with brokers in the past who always, enthusiastically rallied the seller or buyer or renter into a group, for the celebratory Photo at Closing. Yay! Aren’t we all Happy! Our goals have been Met! I’ve seen far too many forced smiles and downcast sideways glances in those group photos gracing the walls of Brokerages and worse, websites and social media.
I’ve only seen two clients respectfully (and sheepishly) decline/refuse the group photo. Who knows if they are selling to get away from a stalker? Or if the LAST thing they want their good-for-nothing cousin to find out is they Sold the “Family Farm”? They may be dreading his arrival, expecting or demanding HIS “share”, or hat in hand seeking assistance from his newly well-off relatives. Or, perhaps they HAD to sell, due to job loss or bankruptcy or even nasty neighbors. Then, there are the rental clients, former homeowners, ashamed that they are relegated to the world of second-class Tenants.

Debbie and I are always proud of our successes. Finding the right investment property or home, or apartment, or selling any of the above, is our goal. But that can only be achieved by acquiring the Trust of our Clients. Trust we hold paramount, and in equal value with Confidence. We may announce, “Yay! We found another client the Perfect Horse Farm (or car lot, or young couple’s first apartment rental, or office complex, or 14,000 square foot second home)!!” But you’ll never see our client’s images, or identifiable photos of their homes or businesses, either bought, leased, or sold.

Because the main commodity we market is US, and your ability to have faith and confidence in our discretion. Trust is paramount in a Real Estate transaction.